Are you running out of ideas to occupy your little ones? Keeping your kids entertained indoors is easier with this new line of craft kits from The Best Ideas for Kids. The kits are available this January at Michaels locations across the U.S. and Canada.

There are so many options to choose from. Your kids can create colorful suncatchers, cute and friendly cactus rocks, handprint keepsakes, 3D coloring art pages and more. The Best Ideas for Kids provides a selection of creative craft kits that are as fun to make as they are to play with.

A total of nine kits will be available:
Suncatchers Kit (Ages 5+)
Paper Roll Bugs Kit (Ages 5+)
Clothespin Robots Kit (Ages 4+)
Cactus Rock Painting Kit (Ages 5+)
Handprint Craft Kit (Ages 5+)
Handprint Card Kit (Ages 4+)
Coloring Pages Kit (Ages 5+)
Colorable Road Map Kit (Ages 5+)
Aquarium Craft Kit (Ages 5+)

Find these kits at your local Michaels or online beginning Jan. 16, 2021. Each set retails for $7.99.
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