Not only have our kids been resilient throughout the pandemic, but some have really stepped up to make a difference. 14-year-old Michael Aims is giving back to the community by writing academic content for children. He wanted to help kids stay engaged and keep learning during school closures.
Aims came up with the idea of writing children’s books that introduce academic content in very simple terms to very young children. He includes activities at the end of each book to help kids remember the content by being more engaged. The book series “Amazing Body” has three titles so far.

“One of my favorite teachers has young kids and the idea for entertaining educational children’s books was born,” said Aims, while explaining how the idea came about.
The young author started writing about human anatomy. His first book Bobby the Brain introduces young children to different parts and functions of the brain. Henry the Heart and Larry the Liver are the second and third titles in the series.

“I wanted to create books and journals that will keep kids learning and engaged by creating educational content accompanied by activities,” added Aims.
You can find all three titles on Amazon.